Promethean Sponsors PhD Student to Help Advance Life Cycle Analysis of MOF-based Carbon Capture

October 10, 2022

Promethean Particles is sponsoring a further PhD studentship under the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems led by The University at Nottingham. The studentship was awarded to Nicholas Landon, who began his four-year PhD in October 2022. Nicholas will be working on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in carbon capture applications.

During his PhD, Nicholas will have access to the University of Nottingham’s and its partners world-leading experimental and computational facilities, which can be used to help explore how the future energy world will operate without fossil fuels and how that transition can be made quickly and safely. It is becoming increasingly clear that carbon capture is a “must have” technology to help support this transition and so the fit between Promethean’s work and Nicholas’ research is excellent.

James Stephenson, Chief Executive Officer of Promethean, commented: “We are pleased to sponsor Nick in his academic pursuits and continue the very productive relationship we have with the University of Nottingham. MOFs continue to show significant potential to deliver a more energy-efficient carbon capture solution in the fight against climate change. We are deploying life cycle assessments in a number of our projects and Nick’s research will help us take this to the next level. We look forward to collaborating with him on this critical work.”

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