BBC Coverage Highlights Promethean Particles’ Progress

August 20, 2024

Since the recent announcement of the closing of our £8M Series A funding round, we have seen some fantastic interest from a variety of media sources to learn more about what we are doing here at Promethean Particles. Last week, we hosted Sally Bowman from the BBC’s East Midlands Today programme. As environment correspondent, Sally has covered a number of topics related to climate change and new technologies to help address the crisis. We were delighted to introduce her to metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), how they offer the potential to be a next-generation solution for tackling climate change and water scarcity, show her our facility, and explain the progress we have been making in scaling MOFs to industrial quantities and with accessible pricing.

During her visit, Sally sought insights from Promethean chief executive James Stephenson and product manager Selina Ambrose, received a tour of our state of the art laboratory and manufacturing facility, as well as seeing a live demonstration of MOFs actually capturing capture dioxide in front of her eyes. Since the visit, an excellent article has been placed on the BBC’s website and a short video piece produced that was aired on the regional East Midlands Today programme – and has even been seen as far afield as Thailand!

Make sure you follow us on our LinkedIn, X, and YouTube channels to keep up to date with our progress.

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